Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius At Work

Understanding the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius - a quick look at their core competencies, strengths and focus.

Resume Of A Sagittarius

Here is a visual guide to help give a better understanding of this sign - At Work.

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Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

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Approach To Work

The Zodiac Sign Sagittarius possess an innate need for freedom and independence. Self starters they utilize their ability to relate to people and their team spirit in most any work environment. They are drawn to professions that offer the spirit of adventure and an opportunity to expand their awareness. A desk job is not always the most appealing choice for them.

They are ambitious and interested in the lifestyle that will result as the outcome of their work. They will project themselves into each new work experience with enthusiasm and vigor.

Engaging and charming, Sagittarians possess an infectious enthusiasm. These skills allows them great success in team building and bringing people together on projects and ventures.

They possess leadership abilities and great communication skills. Some areas of interest to them may also include military, professional sports organizations and public speaking.

Self-employment appeals to them as does the whole area of travel and tourism, diplomatic careers, working with airlines and business development/sales that has a travel component to it.

Approach To People At Work

Most will find a Sagittarian to be a consistent source of encouragement and inspiration.

People sense comes easily to them. They possess an intuitive flair for bringing people to their way of thinking.




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